Saturday, January 29, 2011


Three days ago  was the sixth month of Luke's birth but I was so busy at work all day that I didn't get a chance to write much or do much to acknowledge that day. The only thing I did was to look at his picture that I have on my desk and said to myself "today is going to be a good day, and it would be pretty cool if I get a lease" and I did!

Call it weird or just simply my little angel and his little sibling Hope were my little helpers at work making that day a success :) I missed him that day just like any other but I just couldn't stop thinking how big and beautiful he would be at six months of age. I couldn't help think what kind of journey would of been if my God would of let him stay with us?

I know Luke and Hope have such a greater purpose in life that not even my brain understands. I know now that the Lord is so perfect that made them perfect. Luke  was such a blessing and still is. My angels are the reason why I keep going and wake up each morning wanting to live my life next to the best man I could of asked for.

When I think of Luke I smile and I see his face as I close my eyes. I know my son was special baby and many challenges were coming our way but I know I would of embraced every singe moment of those challenges.

I can not stand  moms that complaint about the most pitiful things in the world when it comes to their children. Some moms complaint about "they are boys and I always wanted a girl" or "they are too hyper" and I think really? A child is such a blessing and I can not wait to experience the joy and aches that comes with being a mom.

I am a mom. I am Luke's mother.....writing this feels amazing!! I am a mom and I am Luke's mom. I am a mom and I am Hope's mom and I can't wait to one day spend eternity with them :)


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